We see the brightness of a new page where everything yet can happen.
-Rainer Maria Rilke

Sunday, January 23, 2011

01/23/2011 Row80 Check In

My characters are coming along nicely, and I've been working on the setting. I'm trying to decide if the story takes place now, or slightly in the future. This story is more on the sci-fi side of things, and they, you know who they are, are among us! I'm having some fun with this, and have a trilogy in mind. I have the main conflicts for all 3 books figured out.

I know, I know! I have no idea of where this will lead, but I have to write it. If not for anyone else but me. I want to scream out loud what it's all about, but I wont. My lips are sealed. From what I've read about writing, they should be, right?

As writers, do you have go to people to discuss your ideas?

I have been keeping to my goal of an hour a day, or 7 hours a week. However the hours may fall. I hope that you are able to keep your goals and enjoy your writing. I will try to stop by your blogs, but I haven't even finished checking out blogs from the last 2 check ins... If I don't get to you, forgive me, it's a time thing. But I will try to stop by. Have a great night!



  1. Congrats on meeting your hour a day goal! :)

    As far as talking to people about my writing, yes and no. I generally don't like talking to other writers during the first draft stage, because I want to let it come together as naturally as possible. I do, however, like talking to NON-writers during that first draft process, to see how a pure reader would react to a certain scene, plot development, etc.

    However, I love getting feedback from other writers once the first draft is complete and I'm in the revisions stage.

    Very interesting question! I've actually been considering doing a blog post about this. When I do, I'll link back to you! :)

  2. I like this topic. I've been talking on my blog - in a general way - about the struggle with my short story. Which is that the place I am in writing it (forgive me, I wrote the beginning and end first) is the really dark nasty middle bit. I am conflicted about this because some characters have done things that the word Dreadful doesn't cover. Hence, I got a bit stuck and asked a writer friend to give me her impressions of what (I already figured, mostly) was missing. I will probably not do that to her again, but her input on how to look at 'where I was' helped me move forward.

    I agree with builderofworlds - congrats on that major goal, and meeting it as often as you have.
    Also, non-writer feedback is very very helpful.

    Thanks for your post - fantastic food for thought. (Also, your blog is pretty and i enjoy visiting!) See you at the Hop tomorrow!

